Tuesday 23 November 2010

Faustus and useful character stuff

So here are some Faustus heads, now I've got that out of my system I'll draw the acutal character designs and full body shots shortly and some form of promo shot thingy...  (other modules are seriously getting in the way of this right now grrrrrrrrr).
So anyway  I was reading some anaylsis of the characters in the play and it's really interesting, I've also been going through the play looking at which scenes I will consider making for the preview/ artefact and which ones I can safely discard, I will report on that tomorrow.
So short character anaylsis and point: 
Faustus  -  The protagonist. Faustus is a brilliant sixteenth-century scholar from Wittenberg, Germany, whose ambition for knowledge, wealth, and worldly might makes him willing to pay the ultimate price—his soul—to Lucifer in exchange for supernatural powers. Faustus’s initial tragic grandeur is diminished by the fact that he never seems completely sure of the decision to forfeit his soul and constantly wavers about whether or not to repent. His ambition is admirable and initially awesome, yet he ultimately lacks a certain inner strength. He is unable to embrace his dark path wholeheartedly but is also unwilling to admit his mistake. 

Mephastophilis  -  A devil whom Faustus summons with his initial magical experiments. Mephastophilis’s motivations are ambiguous: on the one hand, his oft-expressed goal is to catch Faustus’s soul and carry it off to hell; on the other hand, he actively attempts to dissuade Faustus from making a deal with Lucifer by warning him about the horrors of hell. Mephastophilis is ultimately as tragic a figure as Faustus, with his moving, regretful accounts of what the devils have lost in their eternal separation from God and his repeated reflections on the pain that comes with damnation.

Good Angel  -  A spirit that urges Faustus to repent for his pact with Lucifer and return to God. Along with the old man and the bad angel, the good angel represents, in many ways, Faustus’s conscience and divided will between good and evil. 
Evil Angel  -  A spirit that serves as the counterpart to the good angel and provides Faustus with reasons not to repent for sins against God. The evil angel represents the evil half of Faustus’s conscience. 

(taken from "http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/doctorfaustus/") 

It's quite interesting when we look at it like this, because Mephastophilis isn't as evil as he's portrayed on stage. However, Faustus is usually as bumbling and annoying.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to write about when the new version will be set, how the characters are adapted and which scene I will consider taking forward.

(Maybe a picture if I have time 0_0)
I have a flash workshop tomorrow, so it'd be nice if i had something for that but oh well~

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